DigiEn InfoSoft LLP has come up with a concept for organizations to manage their resources. DigiEn considers entire organization as one single unit and proposes a single solution consisting of multiple modules functioning as one. Considering same, DigiEn has developed a conceptual software named DigiEn iON, i.e. DigiEn intelligent Organization Neurals. It is a business software that integrates and runs all aspects of your business - everything from traceability of raw materials, management and optimization of inventory, production planning and scheduling, to financial controls and even customer relationship management. A business process management software system, like DigiEn iON, enables businesses to identify waste, eliminate inefficiencies, improve customer relations and facilitate real-time collaboration.
iON systems enable businesses to have greater insight and visibility into their supply chain operations. Access to this key information allows them to make critical business decisions and to maintain a competitive edge in their industry, no matter how big or small the competition may be. An iON system gives 360° visibility into operations, so problems are more easily identified and employees can make informed decisions. Organizational data is always current, thanks to real-time integration between financial, distribution and manufacturing solutions.