DigiEn InfoSoft LLP is an independent and enterprising business group, incorporated in 2017, made up of a multi-disciplinary team of professionals with expertise in Business Processes, System Analysis and Design, Technology Consulting, Software Design, Software Documentation, Software Testing, Software Maintenance and Software Development Process, who apply technological and innovative solutions that contribute to rapid, systematic and scalable development of the client organization. We bring our pre-configured Industry Software solutions to you, our Industry Solution experts confirm their complete understanding of your business and collaboratively review your processes, whilst ensuring that standard industry practice is used to avoid lengthy and costly customizations.
The group distinguishes Itself with over 10 years of experience of successful project development, with major technology giants, for fortune 500 clients, against the backdrop of increasing demand for complex yet secure and efficient software services in India, USA, UK and other parts of the world. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries, 15 types of Software and all business functions DigiEn InfoSoft LLP works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders.
To become leading technology providers for One Umbrella and Information Security
solutions for domestic organizations.
To manoeuvre organizations towards digitization and participate in their growth stories. Provide best information security to organizations by crafting perfect policies.